🔹Azure AD

Detailed instructions on setting up SAML SSO and configuring Azure AD MicroZAccess.

To set up Azure AD as your SAML Identity Provider for MicroZAccess, follow these steps:

  1. Go to your Azure portal tab. Navigate to Azure Active Directory from the left vertical panel, then navigate to Enterprise Applications. Click on "New application."

  2. Click on "Create your own application."

  3. Now search for "cosgrid" and select "COSGrid Networks".

  4. Click on "Create" .

  5. In the "Getting Started" area, click on "Set up single sign-on."

  6. Click on "SAML."

  7. Click on "Edit" in the "Basic SAML Configuration" area.

  8. Copy the "Identifier (Entity ID)" and paste it in the "Reply URL" and "Sign on URL"

  9. After Step 10, The "Basic SAML Configuration" would look like this:

  10. Now in the "SAML Certificates panel", Copy the "App Federation Metadata URL"

  11. After copying Metadata URL, Login to COSGrid MicroZAccess Web Dashboard as an admin. Once you are logged in, click on profile info:

  12. Click on "Settings"

  13. Click on "Security" from the Settings Navigation Panel.

  14. Click on "Single Sign-On".

  15. Now, Select Azure Active Directory from the IDP provider list and paste the Metadata URL copied from step 10 and click Save.

Last updated